An exploration of the uses and misuses of the English language, including amusing signage, mind-boggling linguistic contortions, grammatical debates, etymological musings, and other forays of interest to those of us obsessed with this strange and often absurd language.



I haven't been able to gather my thoughts enough to write any deep posts lately, so I'm reduced to pointing out, in passing, annoying things I see. Such as this comment on a friend's Facebook status:

"yeah, no your talking!"

Somehow the combination of the typo, the stupid your/you're error, and the enthusiastic exclamation point just epitomized so much of the language I see every day (especially online).


  1. One thing I find incredibly annoying in internet speak is the use of chat acronyms as punctuation. you often see things like, "Oh yea I know he's crazy lol"

    but "yeah, no your talking!" really is quintessential 21st century English. It's sort of perfect.

  2. Oh yea your so right, I h8 that 2 lmao!! Their all so dum wtf?

  3. rotflmaoksibuytoiinmmgo8d45sf!!!!!1!
